How To Learn A New Language In Less Than 5 Minutes
or - How to earn $10,000,000 per week, legally.
Graham Aldrid
This works like any language training, you read it, speak it, then understand the translation. Away you go with some simple exercises...
Phrase [BLACK] Translation [RED]
•It'll save you money in the long run.
Before the Millenium but did I say which one?
•It's very cost effective.
Its costs are real and their effects can be felt.
•The payback is typically three months.
That's when bonuses get paid- it starts to cost after that.
•We should be able to increase output by 30%.
We can employ 40% more people in IT to implement it.
•Marketing has done research on it...
Marketing has found exactly the answer that suited them
•An independent survey says...
An independent survey says exactly what Marketing told them they wanted it to say.
•These are only minor changes.
These are changes which will cause the system to fall apart and cost a fortune to put right, and be usable about 3 seconds prior to obselescence.
Earn $10,000 per week, legally. Earn $10,000 per week, by convincing people to pay you to learn how they can earn $10,000 per week.
Earn $10,000 per week. Push drugs to Film Stars [allegedly]
Join the IT revolution! Earn $10,000,000 per week, by convincing people that they need something the're not sure they want and charge $10,000,000 per week to put right the effect of the small compromise you made in calculating the date when you sold it to them.